Promoting the production of relevant knowledge in Public Administration in Brazil


SBAP at a glance

SBAP is a not-for-profit association that aims at the development of Public Administration as a discipline and to promote ethics and good practices for public sector management, congregating organizations, graduate programs, scholars and practitioners of Public Administration in Brazil.


• To serve as a platform for the connections of scholars and practitioners in the production of Public Administration knowledge.

• To support the diffusion and application of scientific knowledge to improve public management in Brazil.

• To support the elaboration of public management policies in Brazil.

• To promote the Public Administration as a field of knowledge.

• To support the expansion and the qualification of Graduate Programs in Public Administration in Brazil.


SBAP works on several fronts. Its main product is the organization of the Brazilian Meeting of Public Administration (EBAP), a traditional annual event in the field of Public Administration in Brazil. Beyond EBAP, our association organizes forums for graduate level programs and scientific publications in the field of Public Administration, workshops and public debates on public management and public policy themes that are high in the public agenda. SBAP is diversifying its activities by working on the organization of short courses for the dissemination of models, practices, and useful tools for public management administration and the publication and dissemination of knowledge via SBAP Publisher, SBAP TV and SBAP social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn). Since its foundation, SBAP is an advocate for the discipline of Public Administration at regulatory and funding agencies, civil society, and public sector, and a champion of values like ethics, efficiency, transparency, an and sustainability in Public Administration in Brazil.

SBAP’S Statute

SBAP at a glance

SBAP is a not-for-profit association that aims at the development of Public Administration as a discipline and to promote ethics and good practices for public sector management, congregating organizations, graduate programs, scholars and practitioners of Public Administration in Brazil.


• To serve as a platform for the connections of scholars and practitioners in the production of Public Administration knowledge.

• To support the diffusion and application of scientific knowledge to improve public management in Brazil.

• To support the elaboration of public management policies in Brazil.

• To promote the Public Administration as a field of knowledge.

• To support the expansion and the qualification of Graduate Programs in Public Administration in Brazil.


SBAP works on several fronts. Its main product is the organization of the Brazilian Meeting of Public Administration (EBAP), a traditional annual event in the field of Public Administration in Brazil. Beyond EBAP, our association organizes forums for graduate level programs and scientific publications in the field of Public Administration, workshops and public debates on public management and public policy themes that are high in the public agenda. SBAP is diversifying its activities by working on the organization of short courses for the dissemination of models, practices, and useful tools for public management administration and the publication and dissemination of knowledge via SBAP Publisher, SBAP TV and SBAP social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn). Since its foundation, SBAP is an advocate for the discipline of Public Administration at regulatory and funding agencies, civil society, and public sector, and a champion of values like ethics, efficiency, transparency, an and sustainability in Public Administration in Brazil.

SBAP’S Statute