VIII EBAP:Public Administration and the Challenges for the Next Decade

VII EBAP: November 11th and 13th, 2020 (virtual mode)
The VII Brazilian Meeting of Public Administration (EBAP) recognizes the need to transform management in the Brazilian public sector. The traditional model that prevailed throughout the 20th century has been replaced, since redemocratization, by more transparent, participatory and citizen-oriented forms. This is not a simple reform or change of style, but a radical transformation in the role of the state in its relationship with society.
Due to the pandemic, this was the first edition of EBAP in virtual mode, between the 11th and 13th of November, 2020. Event website:
VI EBAP: The Public Administration that Brazil needs
With the theme “The Public Administration that Brazil needs”, SBAP brought together researchers, practitioners and interested parties at the VI Brazilian Meeting of Public Administration on June 6th and 7th, 2019 in Salvador, Bahia – Brazil.
The organization of this edition was under the responsibility of the SBAP Events Directorate at the School of Administration of the Federal University of Bahia – UFBA.

V EBAP: Governance, Accountability and Social Participation
On June 13 and 14, the V Brazilian Meeting of Public Administration (EBAP) was held in Viçosa/MG, on the campus of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). It was the first edition of an EBAP that had the support of a state research agency (FAPEMIG), as well as the first SBAP event that provided a fast track in journals (in APGS/UFV, CGPC/FGV-SP and EAS/ UFF) for the best works of each GT and recognized the best evaluators with a prize.
The opening conference was held by researcher Álvaro Ramírez-Alujas, founder of GIGAPP, who addressed the topic of Open Government and Public Management Modernization. In addition, this EBAP, unprecedentedly, had in its scientific program a session with representatives of public organizations – with the IMAP, the Navy and the TCE-RS. The event brought together around 225 participants, and all those registered received the SBAP membership card for the annuity between 2018/2-2019/1.
IV EBAP: The Construction of Public Administration in the 21st Century
On May 24 and 25, the IV Brazilian Meeting of Public Administration (EBAP) was held in João Pessoa/PB, on the UNIPÊ campus, organized by the SBAP Events Directorate in partnership with UFPB, UNIPÊ, UFCG, UEPB and IFPB. It was the first edition of EBAP that received financial support from CAPES, as well as the first SBAP event that had paper submissions/presentations, distributed by five WGs. The event received around 250 articles and approved 79 papers for presentation at the congress and publication in the annals.
The opening conference was given by Gregório Montero Montero, secretary of the Latin American Center for Administration for Development (CLAD), who addressed the Construction of Public Administration in the 21st Century. Unprecedentedly, in its scientific program presentations by the area coordinator at CAPES, the coordinator of the Academic Division of Public Administration at ANPAD and the director of research and communications at ENAP. The event brought together around 300 participants and all applicants received the SBAP membership card for the 2017-2018 period.

III EBAP: Paths and Challenges
On May 11 and 12, the III Brazilian Meeting of Public Administration took place in Florianópolis/SC, at the School of Administration and Management of the State University of Santa Catarina (ESAG/UDESC). The purpose of the event was to discuss advances towards the institutionalization of Public Administration/Management in Brazil, both as a field of teaching and research, as an area of professional practice, bringing together academics and practitioners in the search for paths to the contemporary challenges of policy management in the country.
The III EBAP also sought to initiate the internationalization of SBAP, with the presence of two renowned international professors in the scientific program. The opening conference was held by Prof. Frank Fischer, from the IPPA board and a researcher at Rutgers University, and one of the thematic tables also featured an exhibition by Prof. Charles David Crumpton (University of Maryland). In addition, this EBAP pioneered a round table discussion between the SBAP Board and the Board of the National Association of Teaching and Research in the Field of Publics (ANEPCP). The event brought together around 100 participants, including professors, graduate students and public administrators from 10 Brazilian states.
During the event, the election of the third board of SBAP was carried out.
II EBAP: Interlocutions between Academia and the Government of Brazil: Between Knowledge and Doing

I EBAP: The Organization of the Area of Public Administration in Brazil
On August 8 and 9, 2013, the 1st Brazilian Meeting of Public Administration (EBAP) was held in Natal/RN, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The discussions addressed Public Administration as a disciplinary field, with its own identity, and its relevance for academic training and professional practice in Brazilian public administration, in the context of government systems and organizations, as well as in its relations with society.
It was a small event, initiated by the Center for Applied Social Sciences (CCSA) and by the Graduate Program in Public Management (PPGP) at UFRN, bringing together some former coordinators and topic leaders from the Academic Division of ANPAD’s Public Administration, some coordinators and professors of master’s courses in Public Administration/Management, some scholars invited by the PPGP and representatives of some public bodies such as the CGU.
In general terms, the intention of the I EBAP was to bring together some professors/researchers in the area of Public Administration (PA) in Brazil to promote a fruitful debate on the directions of teaching and research in PA in the country, reflecting on: the specificity of academic production, the institutional evaluation of graduate studies, the means of scientific dissemination/publication and the dialogue between academia and the national public sector.