Environmental Policy Dismantling and undoing of Bureaucratic Capacities in Brazil



Implementation of Environmental Policy, Street-level Bureaucrats’ Capacities, Brazilian Institutions, Policy Dismantling


This work analyzes street-level bureaucrats’ action in the implementation of environmental policy in Brazil, taking as case studies the IBAMA inspectors and ICMBio agents, before and after the beginning of President Bolsonaro’s term. A theoretical model was developed that integrates three different analytical dimensions of street-level bureaucrats’ action: institutional, individual and relational dimensions. Based on this, a case-oriented investigation was conducted, where significant cases were selected to illustrate two different profiles of environmental agents (cross-case analysis). The information obtained was analyzed using Systematic Content Analysis (SCA). In addition, a cross-time poll was conducted on the institutional changes that occurred before and after the of Bolsonaro´s administration. The results show comparatively between IBAMA inspectors and ICMBio agents how they are articulated, with their peculiarities in each of the institutions. The changes undertaken by the Bolsonaro administration currently have led to the freezing of bureaucratic capacities, the weakening of institutions in Brazil.

Biografia do Autor

Francesco Bonelli, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia

Doutor e Mestre em Administração pelo NPGA/UFBA. Professor do IFBA

Antônio Sérgio Fernandes, UFBA

Professor do NPGA/EA-UFBA

Pedro Cavalcante, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea) e Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa (IDP)

Pesquisador do IPEA e Professor do IDP

Suely Araújo, Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa (IDP) e Universidade de Brasília (UNB)

Professora do IDP






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