Laboratórios de Inovação no Setor Público


  • Erick Elysio Reis Amorim
  • Monique Menezes
  • Mariana Fiuza
  • Karoline Fernandes


Urban Living Labdefinitions from a systematic review of literature With the increasing urbanization and rising climate change, the future of global sustainability will be determined by how well cities implement mitigation and adaptation measures. Within this context, Urban Living Labs (ULL) has emerged, mainly in European countries. However, to truly succeed in the ambitious tasks of tackling major urban sustainability issues, the way ULL is being addressed in developed countries and the expansion to Global South needs further research. This study aims to perform a systematic literature review about ULL to understand the central issues discussed in academic debates. Although there is no common definition from the literature review, the analysis concludes that a ULL is a type of intervention that uses Living Lab methodology, is hosted in a delimited physical space, has an emphasis on sustainable urban solutions, requires active participation from the local public authorities and has a focus on citizen’s participation and validation. The conclusions also present suggestions forfuture research.






GT 6 Inovação e Empreendedorismo no Setor Público